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Sunday 18 December 2011

All is calm , all is bright

I have had the strangest two weeks of serenity and calm since posting last . I have in all honesty been putting off posting about this incase I jinxed things but .. my anxiety and panic has basically gone away

I feel a little discombobulated  ( always wanted to use that word!) as I don't quite know why its gone , there has been no change to general circumstances in my life but I have a little fizzy feeling of contentment in my stomach and its marvellous.

I found an old packet of arctic root tablets in my vitamin box and started taking those a couple of weeks ago but I'm hesitant to hail a miracle cure by pill as

a) I don't want it to be "cure by pill" if I'm honest as I've also been working very hard on other postive thinking and lifestyle changes and I would prefer that it was a combination of all but I couldn't honestly say either way

B) T
he arctic root pack was only half full so I've obviously tried it before without noticing an effect and given it up ( I think I vaguely remember ordering it in 2010) so perhaps its not just that

In the interest of fairness and incase it helps someone else I should say that the arctic root tabs are a trademarked version of rhodiola rosea plus some other ingredients and are manufactured by the Swedish Herbal Institute whoever they are

I did some googling around and there was a clinical trial for Arctic Root but it seems to have been funded by the manufacturer ( Swedish herbal etc ) so that doesn't prove anything either way I guess

Apart from the arctic root then I have also been making a conscious effort to let the little things go and I've been eating better and also putting in 5 twenty minute sessions on the exercise bike a week since the start of December

I'm also keeping 2 or 3 alcohol free days a week and sticking to less than 20 uk standard alcohol units a week (which translates to 11 us standard drinks for any readers over the pond)

I've pushed myself the last two weeks to carry out every activity which I've previously had to grit my teeth and push through anxiously in the past.

Shopping in crowded places – fine

 Meal out seated under bright lights without alcohol - fine.

Watching my daughters Christmas Play at the school – fine.

Driving by myself – fine

Not one but three last minute high pressure time sensitive work bookings – fine

Floated through them all with absolute minimum anxiety

I can’t describe my ( tentative ) joy !!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great news! Sounds fabulous. Just keep moving slowly and looking after yourself There is no pressure for you to do or be or say or think anything. Just be kind to yourself and everything else will follow. Cheers to you! (and have a great christmas xxxx)
