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Wednesday 28 December 2011

All by myself

Its all quiet at the moment in my little corner of the world
Very quiet

For the first time in six and a half years I have three days to myself , just little old me in the house
6 year old is visiting her nana for some spoiling and Mr Kay is working away until Friday night

I was looking forward to it with relish but now it has arrived I feel a little odd and slightly discombobulated

I've always thought that part of my personality is that I'm happy in my own company. Before my daughter was born I happily lived on my own for long periods of time and if I'm around other people for too long then I crave being able to lock a bathroom door with a big bubbly bath poured or get into bed and have some alone time to press the reset button.
I think I'm out of practice !

I've saved up a few recorded TV programmes as Mr Kay is a TV hogger , got some books , got lashings of xmas chocolates in and I've got enough work to do to make me feel like I'm doing something but not enough to overload me so I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things

I've just been out for a long and windy walk and stopped and watched the wind making crazy waves on the reservoir . It was really nice and now I'm back the house just seems quiet quiet quiet.

I was really nervous incase the anxiety kicked back in but it seems to be staying low so let the solitude begin


  1. How are you enjoying your solitude thus far? I realize it just began... =) I don't suppose it would be real solitude if we got a twitter-style blogger post by post style of your solitude experience during the three days LOL.

  2. Ha ha - yes quite
    3.52 pm Solitude begins
    3.54pm Solitude going fine
    3.56pm Solitude interupted by the sounds of typing constantly

    I'm on my second day now and I'm enjoying it muchly !! x

  3. I just had 3 weeks alone for the first time in my life. I had such plans, but my friends wouldn't leave me alone. If that's all I have to complain about, I'm doing okay. The cap'n gets home tonight and my solitary idyll is over.
