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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Action Time

The mad few anxiety ridden days out of the blue seem to have settled now and I feel much less jittery and icky.

The good points of the last week are that I've decided that I can't sit on my laurels and just wait for anxiety to pop along every few week - some positive action is needed as I've been a bit inert lately

I've been trying to avoid stodgy food , drink more water  and I'm trying to add a half hour walk to my morning routine. So far so good ( well for the last two days so early days really )
This strolling about is going to require something to keep me amused if I'm to keep it up. I've been popping on my headphones and  doing a walking meditation on my iphone  as I scamper about but I think there are probably only so many mornings I will be able to listen to the soothing lady telling me to feel the air on my skin and breath in and out . I'm trying to work out how to get audiobooks on my phone which should do the trick

Always keen to buy equipment for any new venture I popped on to ebay and bought some new headphones as mine are broken slightly. In a fit of madness I ordered ones with a faux leopard fur covering the headphone over ear bits - what WAS I thinking .

While I'm on a roll then I'm going to start working through some CBT online again. Its a free course which I did half of a year ago ( site called Live Life to the Full) . When I first did it then I was all a whirl with confusion and fear over this new found panic and anxiety and I remember thinking I was going to be waiting in fear for the next panic attack forever. I think its going to do me a lot of good re-doing the course with fresh eyes now that I know more about anxiety and panic and know that its not  something to be terrified of.

Gosh that all sounds very productive doesn't it. Time for a cup of tea

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