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Tuesday 10 January 2012

Rhodiola Rosea , Diets and Sober January

I mentioned before I believe that I started taking some Arctic Root capsules ( a brand of rhodiola basically) in December and the anxiety plummented to minimal a couple of days afterwards. I'm still not sure if this is just a coincidence and I was just naturally not getting the panic or if it upped my serotonin or something .

I'm hoping it was a coincidence really ( just because I don't want my non anxious state to be the result of a tablet if you know what I mean )but ran out of Arctic Root yesterday and couldn't find anymore for love nor money so I've switched to plain old Rhodiola so it will be interesting to see if theres any difference

I mooted with having a whirl without them but there must be some part of me which is thinking this new found calm is not all natural as I decided I didn't want to stop taking them ... just incase its them and I end up all jittery and panicky again. I'll give it a couple of months then reassess

Diet still okay on the whole but I am having food envy as a sit and watch Mr Kay munching on all the left over xmas goodies. Stilton , maderia infused pate , crackers and honey roasted nuts were yesterdays torture for me. Pass the bananas lol

Sober January is no more. I cracked and had a couple yesterday. Thats a bit rubbish really but then again I don't really have the calories spare for alcohol for the next three months ish while I'm dieting away so maybe a little alcohol wasn't the end of the world

I expected to feel very remorseful I didn't achieve my Sober January goal but I didn't really so there you go. It did prove that alcohol reduces your will power though as I munched my way through a bag of crisps needlessly afterward so its not just the alcohol calories - its also the munchy calories afterwards so its on the not often list

The powers that be must have listened to me whinging about being bored as I've been rushed off my feet with work quotes this last week. Not quite what I had in mind to relieve the January boredom but hey ho

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